The Friends of Pima County Library is holding a book sale this weekend and one of the nifty deals is boxes of paperback sci-fi and mystery books for only $15 each box. You can see the boxes in the photo at the top of this post.

I read a lot of speculative fiction, but it appeared that most of the science fiction books available were mass market bestsellers. I don’t read those. They are generally too predictable, unlike the sci-fi written by award winners.
Hugo award winners, like Martha Wells, Martine Arkady, and John Scalzi are three of my favorite authors, but I didn’t find many of their books available on the shelves of the Sci-Fi books section.
So, I passed on the $15 box of science fiction books and also passed up buying individual books in the sci-fi section at $2 to $5 each. Next, I ambled over to the cookbook section. There, I began thumbing through vegetarian cookbooks. They had a large and very tasty selection!
Beside the Cookbook shelves were the Puzzles and humor sections. So I spent a few minutes there. Penn and Teller’s How to Play With Your Food caught my eye.

Toward the back of the retail book sale area there is a Children’s book nook, but it appeared that only Fathers and Grandfathers were book shopping on Friday.

In fact, on Friday most of the book browsers and book buyers were seniors. No doubt that clientele changes over the weekend. Oh, I forgot to mention that virtually every book I looked at was in almost-new condition and some may well have been unsold new remainders from major publishers.

Now there is a door I want to show you. It’s at the warehouse for the Friends’ books sales. Why a tiger? I don’t know. And, on the right, the stacks of books ready to be trundled across the street in a little wagon from the warehouse to the retail book sale area. Awesome!

Big discounts on (already) bargain-priced books

The way the Friends of Pima County Library book sale works is this:
- Friday is the best selection.
- Saturday is 25% off for Seniors
- Today, Sunday, October 15, 2023, all the books– and there are thousands upon thousands of them–are half-price.
- Monday, tomorrow, you can buy all the books you can stuff in one of their bags for $10. (What a great way to stock up on children’s books!)
The Friends of the Library Book Sale is located at 2230 N Country Club Rd. (1/2 block south of Grant on the east side of Country Club, next door to Catalina Market).
And this door, left, is the entrance to the retail sale area where monthly book sale will be happening in November and December, 2023 and on into 2024.
The Friends of Pima County Library also sells books online these days. I will add more about this in a couple of weeks after I’ve done my first day as a volunteer on the online-book sales team.
If you are a Tucsonan and would like a starter tree for $5, go here for more details.
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