Biking across the open desert on this Joe Pagac mural are a rattlesnake, a road runner and a horned lizard hanging on for dear life.

I especially like the funny little horned lizard gripping the rattler’s tail. As with many Joe Pagac’s murals the figures are high spirited and amusing. They make you want to smile.

My thanks to Arizona Truck Outfitters for letting me photograph this mural which is sort of mid-block on Stone near 6th Ave.
Now about the vanishing mural. Construction of something seems to be underway in the vacant half-block next to the Biking in the Desert mural on 6th. My guess is that this no-longer-vacant lot will end up being some type of multi-family housing–apartments or condos. There is intense building going on in Tucson these days especially in and near to downtown. This mural is definitely one of my favorites and worth showing again here.

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Tucson news: in late October the temperature suddenly plunged to 15 degrees below normal for a couple of days. One day the high temp was only 69F! This last summer there were over 110 days of 100F or higher temperatures. A new record!
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