rhino sculpture

Artful robots, colorful pots, custom mailboxes and other stuff at the Museum of Art’s art fair

I had pretty much given up going to open air art fairs in Southern California. There, it was the same-old-same-old, so I had some reservations about going to the Tucson Museum of Art’s art fair. But it turned out to have things like robot sculpture, handcrafted mail boxes, brightly colored necklaces, in addition to some nice, traditional paintings and jewelry and…well, here is what I saw.

robot sculpture Tucson art fair

This robot-like metal sculpture is only one of many works of art in this booth. There were also killer metal shoes, a repurposed Royal typewriter like the one I first used when I began my writing career and a large sculpture of a rhino for collectors to bring to their homes.

A few booths away I saw some other items inspired by the world of robots: these were created to be lamps and electric outlets.

robot inspired lamps

But the traditional fare of an open air art market was not omitted. Here is a potter with his charming colorful pots.

potter with pots are Tucson art fair

And the jewelry in a nearby booth visually shouted fun, fun, fun!

fun costume jewelry

And if you ever dreamed of a mailbox to make the neighbors envious, look at this one. The artist will do custom work to create the mailbox of your dreams…if mailbox dreams ever occurred to you.

custom metal mail box

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