The first political march I went to was against the war in Vietnam back in the 1960s in San Francisco. Since then I’ve marched and demonstrated and joined and pledged and wrote and called Congressmen and women. And almost all of it was for women’s rights and against U.S. wars. I even marched against the Iraq War standing in front of the Bellagio in Las Vegas. I was one of a small group of demonstrators and a fairly largish group of cops, FBI, etc. filming us.
Anyway…along came Trump and the 2017 Women’s March. Then–Happy Days–TFG is gone. But here it goes again thanks to a bunch of frightened old Texans who are underestimating the power of women. When are they going to learn!
Here are some photos of the Tucson Women’s March in October 2021 in support of our sisters in Texas. (And–I would add–our sisters in Kabul.)

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