Lightning fast cycling wasn’t the rule at the Tucson Cyclovia open streets event on Sunday. Even Taylor Swift fans, like the one in the photo above, made their ways along No. Fontana Ave. at a family-friendly speed. No one wants to bump into someone having too much fun to watch where they are going on a sunny Sunday.
These photos were taken at the Keeling Hub at Fontana and Blacklidge and I’ll start with two men who were demonstrating their physical prowess with cycling. The man on the unicycle is taking the route safely with a helmet, shin guards, knee pads and some sort of hand protection. The guy on the sky-high custom bicycle has tossed protection to the winds: no helmet, flip-flops on his feet and no protective gear. Both were getting a lot of amazed looks.

Getting into the cycling spirit
The couple below I’ve seen at a previous Cyclovia and they are definitely getting into the spirit of Halloween and Dia de los Muertos. Those are pretty great looking off-road trikes they are riding!

This Cyclovia had, as usual, some politics. The Green Party was at the Keeling Hub location advocating opposition to the Rosemount copper mine south of Tucson. And a woman supporting abortion rights was one of several cycling with the “Roe Roe Roe Your Vote” sign on their bike.

Friends having fun in northwest Tucson
Friends cycling with friends was another trend at this event. Here are two sets of friends having fun in costume, too. A gnome (or is it a Christmas elf?), Nemo, and two ladies wearing bird headgear and masks.

My favorite booth at his location was the one for the Monsoon Seed Choir, happily singing a cappella to all passing by and to those taking a break by stopping to listen.

Adaptive cycling on rental bikes
I’m ending this with a man riding an adaptive tricycle. There were many people on adaptive bikes at this Cyclovia — noticeably more than at previous ones. Various kinds of adaptive bikes, which can be very very expensive, are now available for rent through the Southern Arizona Adaptive Sports Association in Tucson. The cycle below looks to be a custom one that this man either made himself or custom ordered.

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