In Los Angeles people celebrate Dia de los Muertos for most of the month of October. In Tucson Halloween with tales of a headless horseman and ghosts take over this weekend. So when I came across this over-the-top display of Halloween inflatables in the Jefferson Park neighborhood I had to stop and take some photos. Not much explanation is needed; they are just fun! (To see last year’s Halloween home with much scarier figures in Catalina Vista, go here.)

A ghost wearing fringes?
I especially like the cowboy fringe jacket on the inflatable ghost on the left.

A headless horseman and a extensive collection of skulls and loose eyeballs. That represents a lot of work! I remember as a child that peeled grapes were used to simulate eyeballs and we were supposed to reach for them in a brown paper bag without looking. It was some sort of creepy kids game.
St. Francis among the inflatables

I definitely like St. Francis and the inflatable jack-o-lantern with ghosts. BTW, the entire front yard of this property on Cherry Ave. is surrounded by prickly pears as a kind of fence. It appears that the St. Francis statue is lighted at night.

Are these supposed to represent the guests at a Halloween party? Maybe they look scarier at night? They mostly look like funny giant dinosaurs that kids might laugh at or punch while giggling during a birthday party.

Even the garage–at least I think it is a garage — was decorated. Is that giant skeleton the 12 foot tall”Skelly” sold by Home Depot?
Happy Halloween!
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