El Tour de Tucson — which is becoming one of the premier U.S. cycling events — is on November 18th, 2023. Leading up to it are a variety of bicyling events including the family-oriented CycloviaTucson on city streets on October 29 and, as an official launch for the Tour de Tux, the Loop de Loop ride held on Saturday.
Colorful ads back businesses and charities
So what’s a bicyclist to wear to these events? At the very least one should pull on a cycling shirt with a business or charitable organization logo. From the left, the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation shirt, some kind of international shirt with European logos and, on the right, a Special Olympics shirt.

Or you could wear the latest shirts from your cycling club, like these people from SaddleBrooke Cycle Masters. I think the “Masters” name is an age-related designation, rather than a statement of speed or cycling achievement.

Or you could approach the cycling shirt in an entirely business-like way, as have Absolute Bikes, Full Sail Brewing, and–well, I don’t know what that Oscar the Grouch shirt is all about. A personal statement, no doubt.

Adaptive bikes for rent
Because I’ve written so often about cycling events, I planned to skip taking photos of bikes until Cyclovia. But then I came across a display of adaptive bikes from the Southern Arizona Adaptive Sports organization. And these bikes, which cost thousands of dollars to buy, can be RENTED!

And here are three more of the colorful shirts for your viewing pleasure. The center shirt looks more like a shirt an official would wear rather than the form-fitting shirts usually worn by cyclists.

If you’re of a mind to ride in one of El Tour de Tucson events, registration is now open. If your cycling style is more cruising around the neighborhood, check out Cyclovia, which has no registration forms and is free.
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