one eyed fake saguaro

Tucson ice skating cancelled by a “rain day”

Wouldn’t you just know it. The first year that outdoor ice skating comes to downtown Tucson has turned out to be an exceptionally rainy year. So while sunshine, palm trees and ice skating go together–as you can see in these photos from Los Angeles--rain and ice skating do not. Skating was cancelled yesterday, December 9th, because of rain.

outdoor ice skating Tucson 2019

Last weekend, however, crowds were having fun at the ice rink just behind the Hotel Congress. Some kids were riding on or pushing blue plastic dolphins and one little girl had deer antlers in her grips. Then there was the father-son duo all in blue.

But just to make sure that this ice skating experience was Tucson Weird, there was this one-eyed fake saguaro beside the ice rink. What it represented or why it had one eye, I don’t know and decided not to ask.

one eyed cactus Tucson

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